Simon Waloschek has been part of cemfi’s research group since its foundation in 2013. While currently working on his doctoral thesis on artificial intelligence for music information retrieval, he is also active in the field of musical human-computer interaction with a particular interest in usability engineering. Due to his completed studies in computer science, electrical engineering, and media design, he regularly publishes in a variety of interdisciplinary scientific communities at the intersection of arts and technology. His personal academic profile is currently complemented by ongoing studies in record engineering („Tonmeister“) and music production at the Detmold University of Music.
- +49 (0)5231 975-874

Inside Beethoven! A Musical Installation for a New Listening Perspective
A. Berndt, S. Waloschek, A. Hadjakos, and J. Veit
in Audio Mostly 2020: 15th Conf. on Interaction with Sound – Extended Realities, Graz, Austria, 2020, p. 245–248.
[BibTeX]@INPROCEEDINGS{Berndt:2020:IB, author = {Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A. and Veit, J.}, title = {{Inside Beethoven! A Musical Installation for a New Listening Perspective}}, booktitle = {{Audio Mostly 2020: 15th Conf. on Interaction with Sound -- Extended Realities}}, year = {2020}, editor = {Gro\ss-Vogt, K.}, pages = {245--248}, organization = {University of Music and Performing Arts Graz}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Graz, Austria}, month = {Sept.} }
Identification and Cross-Document Alignment of Measures in Music Score Images
S. Waloschek, A. Hadjakos, and A. Pacha
in Proc. of the 20th Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf. (ISMIR), Delft, The Netherlands, 2019.
[BibTeX]@InProceedings{Waloschek:2019:DeepMeasures, author = {Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A. and Pacha, A.}, title = {{Identification and Cross-Document Alignment of Measures in Music Score Images}}, booktitle = {{Proc. of the 20th Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf. (ISMIR)}}, year = {2019}, address = {Delft, The Netherlands}, month = {nov}, publisher = {Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval} }
Bacher than Bach? On Musicologically Informed AI-based Bach Chorale Harmonization
A. Leemhuis, S. Waloschek, and A. Hadjakos
in Proc. of the 12th Int. Workshop on Machine Learning and Music, Würzburg, Germany, 2019.
[BibTeX]@InProceedings{Leemhuis:2019:BachNet, address = {Würzburg, Germany}, title = {{Bacher than Bach? On Musicologically Informed AI-based Bach Chorale Harmonization}}, booktitle = {{Proc. of the 12th Int. Workshop on Machine Learning and Music}}, author = {Leemhuis, Alexander and Waloschek, Simon and Hadjakos, Aristoteles}, month = {sep}, year = {2019} }
Detecting Hands from Piano MIDI Data
A. Hadjakos, S. Waloschek, and A. Leemhuis
in Mensch und Computer: Workshop für Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces, Hamburg, Germany, 2019.
[BibTeX]@InProceedings{Hadjakos:2019:DetectingHands, author = {Hadjakos, A. and Waloschek, S. and Leemhuis, A.}, title = {{Detecting Hands from Piano MIDI Data}}, booktitle = {{Mensch und Computer: Workshop für Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces}}, year = {2019}, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, month = {sep}, organization = {University of Hamburg, Gesellschaft für Informatik}, }
A Showcase of New MEI Tools
S. Waloschek, A. Berndt, A. Hadjakos, and A. Pacha
in Music Encoding Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2019
half-day workshop.
[BibTeX]@INPROCEEDINGS{Berndt:2019:MEItools, author = {Waloschek, S. and Berndt, A. and Hadjakos, A. and Pacha, A.}, title = {A Showcase of New MEI Tools}, booktitle = {Music Encoding Conference}, year = {2019}, organization = {University of Vienna, Music Encoding Initiative}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, month = {May}, note = {half-day workshop} }
Meico: A Converter Framework for Bridging the Gap between Digital Music Editions and its Applications
A. Berndt, S. Waloschek, and A. Hadjakos
in Audio Mostly 2018: 13th Conf. on Interaction with Sound–-Sound in Immersion and Emotion, Wrexham, North Wales, UK, 2018.
[BibTeX]@INPROCEEDINGS{Berndt:2018:meico, author = {Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A.}, title = {{Meico: A Converter Framework for Bridging the Gap between Digital Music Editions and its Applications}}, booktitle = {{Audio Mostly 2018: 13th Conf. on Interaction with Sound---Sound in Immersion and Emotion}}, year = {2018}, organization = {Glynd$\hat{w}$r University}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Wrexham, North Wales, UK}, month = {sep} }
Driftin‘ Down the Scale: Dynamic Time Warping in the Presence of Pitch Drift and Transpositions
S. Waloschek and A. Hadjakos
in Proc. of the 19th Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf. (ISMIR), Paris, France, 2018.
[BibTeX]@InProceedings{Waloschek:2018:DTW-Drift-Transpositions, author = {Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A.}, title = {{Driftin' Down the Scale: Dynamic Time Warping in the Presence of Pitch Drift and Transpositions}}, booktitle = {{Proc. of the 19th Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf. (ISMIR)}}, year = {2018}, address = {Paris, France}, month = {sep}, publisher = {Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval} }
Score and sound-based interface for exploring music performances
S. Waloschek, A. Hadjakos, and A. Berndt
in Interdisciplinary Workshop on Timbre 2018, Montreal, Canada, 2018.
[BibTeX]@InProceedings{Waloschek:2018:Interface-Performance, author = {Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A. and Berndt, A.}, title = {Score and sound-based interface for exploring music performances}, month = {jul}, year = {2018}, address = {Montreal, Canada}, booktitle = {Interdisciplinary Workshop on Timbre 2018}, organization = {McGill University}, }
Audioschnitt in digitalen Noten
S. Waloschek
in INFORMATIK 2017, 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Chemnitz, Germany, 2017.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Waloschek:2017:IPMP2, Address = {Chemnitz, Germany}, Author = {Waloschek, S.}, Booktitle = {{INFORMATIK 2017, 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}}, Editor = {Eibl, M. and Gaedke, M.}, Month = {sep}, Organization = {Chemnitz University of Technology, Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, Publisher = {{GI}}, Series = {{LNI}}, Title = {{Audioschnitt in digitalen Noten}}, Year = {2017}}
Tools for Annotating Musical Measures in Digital Music Editions
Y. Mexin, A. Hadjakos, A. Berndt, S. Waloschek, A. Wawilow, and G. Szwillus
in 14th Sound and Music Computing Conf. (SMC), Espoo, Finland, 2017.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Mexin:2017:Vertaktoid, Address = {Espoo, Finland}, Author = {Mexin, Y. and Hadjakos, A. and Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S. and Wawilow, A. and Szwillus, G.}, Booktitle = {{14th Sound and Music Computing Conf. (SMC)}}, Date-Modified = {2017-08-02 16:13:25 +0000}, Month = {July}, Organization = {Aalto University}, Title = {{Tools for Annotating Musical Measures in Digital Music Editions}}, Year = {2017}}
AmbiDice: An Ambient Music Interface for Tabletop Role-Playing Games
A. Berndt, S. Waloschek, A. Hadjakos, and A. Leemhuis
in Proc. of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Berndt:2017:AmbiDice, Address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, Author = {Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A. and Leemhuis, A.}, Booktitle = {{Proc. of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2017}}, Month = {may}, Publisher = {Aalborg University Copenhagen}, Title = {{AmbiDice: An Ambient Music Interface for Tabletop Role-Playing Games}}, Year = {2017}}
Interaktive Partituren in der Musikproduktion
S. Waloschek
Thesis, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, Center of Music and Film Informatics, Detmold, Germany, 2017.
[BibTeX]@mastersthesis{Waloschek:2017:IPMP, Address = {Detmold, Germany}, Author = {Waloschek, S.}, Month = {feb}, School = {Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, Center of Music and Film Informatics}, Title = {{Interaktive Partituren in der Musikproduktion}}, Year = {2017}}
Hand Gestures in Music Production
A. Berndt, S. Waloschek, and A. Hadjakos
in Proc. of the 42nd Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMC), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2016, p. 448–453.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Berndt:2016:Hand-Gestures, Address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands}, Author = {Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A.}, Booktitle = {{Proc. of the 42nd Int. Computer Music Conf. (ICMC)}}, Editor = {Timmermans, H.}, Month = {sep}, Pages = {448--453}, Publisher = {International Computer Music Association, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, Gaudeamus Muziekweek}, Title = {{Hand Gestures in Music Production}}, Year = {2016}}
Accelerating the editing phase in music productions using interactive scores
S. Waloschek, A. Berndt, B. W. Bohl, and A. Hadjakos
in Proc. of the 2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production (WIMP), London, UK, 2016.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Waloschek:2016:Accelerating-Editing-Using-Scores, Address = {London, UK}, Author = {Waloschek, S. and Berndt, A. and Bohl, B. W. and Hadjakos, A.}, Booktitle = {{Proc. of the 2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production (WIMP)}}, Month = {sep}, Title = {{Accelerating the editing phase in music productions using interactive scores}}, Year = {2016}}
Interactive Scores in Classical Music Production
S. Waloschek, A. Berndt, B. W. Bohl, and A. Hadjakos
in Proc. of the 17th Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf. (ISMIR), New York, NY, USA, 2016, p. 668–673.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Waloschek:2016:Interactive-Scores, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {Waloschek, S. and Berndt, A. and Bohl, B. W. and Hadjakos, A.}, Booktitle = {{Proc. of the 17th Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf. (ISMIR)}}, Editor = {Mandel, M.}, Month = {aug}, Organization = {New York University}, Pages = {668--673}, Publisher = {Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval}, Title = {{Interactive Scores in Classical Music Production}}, Year = {2016}}
Dem Igel Sitte lehren… Musikedition: von der digitalen Verfügbarkeit zur aktiven Nutzung
B. W. Bohl, A. Berndt, S. Waloschek, and A. Hadjakos,
in „Ei, dem alten Herrn zoll‘ ich Achtung gern’„ – Festschrift für Joachim Veit zum 60. Geburtstag, K. Richts and P. Stadler, Eds., Munich, Germany: Allitera Verlag, 2016, p. 141–163.
[BibTeX]@incollection{Bohl:2016:Festschrift-Veit, Address = {Munich, Germany}, Author = {Bohl, B. W. and Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A.}, Booktitle = {„Ei, dem alten Herrn zoll' ich Achtung gern'`` -- Festschrift f{\"u}r Joachim Veit zum 60. Geburtstag}, Chapter = {12}, Editor = {Richts, K. and Stadler, P.}, Month = {jan}, Pages = {141--163}, Publisher = {Allitera Verlag}, Title = {{Dem Igel Sitte lehren... Musikedition: von der digitalen Verf{\"u}gbarkeit zur aktiven Nutzung}}, Year = {2016}}
Gedanken zur Nutzung von Handgesten in der Musikproduktion
A. Berndt, S. Waloschek, and A. Hadjakos
in Mensch und Computer: Workshop für Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces, Stuttgart, Germany, 2015, p. 325–330.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Berndt:2015:Handgesten, Address = {Stuttgart, Germany}, Author = {Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A.}, Booktitle = {{Mensch und Computer: Workshop f{\"u}r Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces}}, Editor = {Schmidt, A. and Burmester, M. and Weisbecker, A.}, Month = {sep}, Organization = {University of Stuttgart, Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Informatik}, Pages = {325--330}, Publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag}, Title = {{Gedanken zur Nutzung von Handgesten in der Musikproduktion}}, Year = {2015}}
Synchronizing Spatially Distributed Musical Ensembles
A. Hadjakos, A. Berndt, and S. Waloschek
in 12th Sound and Music Computing Conf. (SMC), Maynooth, Ireland, 2015.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Hadjakos:2015:Sync-Ensembles, Address = {Maynooth, Ireland}, Author = {Hadjakos, A. and Berndt, A. and Waloschek, S.}, Booktitle = {{12th Sound and Music Computing Conf. (SMC)}}, Month = {jul}, Organization = {Maynooth University}, Title = {{Synchronizing Spatially Distributed Musical Ensembles}}, Year = {2015}}
Sensors on Stage: Conquering the Requirements of Artistic Experiments and Live Performances
S. Waloschek and A. Hadjakos
in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 2015, p. 351–354.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Waloschek:2015:Sensors-On-Stage, Address = {Baton Rouge, LA, USA}, Author = {Waloschek, S. and Hadjakos, A.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of the Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)}, Month = {may}, Pages = {351--354}, Title = {{Sensors on Stage: Conquering the Requirements of Artistic Experiments and Live Performances}}, Year = {2015}}
SPINE: A TUI Toolkit and Physical Computing Hybrid
A. Hadjakos and S. Waloschek
in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), London, UK, 2014, p. 625–628.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Hadjakos:2014:SPINE, Address = {London, UK}, Author = {Hadjakos, A. and Waloschek, S.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of the Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)}, Month = {jun}, Pages = {625--628}, Title = {{SPINE: A TUI Toolkit and Physical Computing Hybrid}}, Year = {2014}}
ViP: Controlling the Sound of a Piano with Wrist-Worn Inertial Sensors
A. Hadjakos and S. Waloschek
in Keyboard Salon Workshop at the Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), London, UK, 2014.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Hadjakos:2014:Vibrato-Piano, Address = {London, UK}, Author = {Hadjakos, A. and Waloschek, S.}, Booktitle = {Keyboard Salon Workshop at the Int. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)}, Date-Added = {2017-08-02 15:58:02 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2017-08-02 15:58:02 +0000}, Month = {jun}, Title = {{ViP: Controlling the Sound of a Piano with Wrist-Worn Inertial Sensors}}, Year = {2014}}
Multimediales Skript zur Vermittlung ingenieurswissenschaftlicher Grundlagen
M. Kob, S. Waloschek, W. Hyronimus, E. Hahn, M. Schettke, and A. Weber-Krüger
in Proc. of the 40th German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA 2014), Oldenburg, Germany, 2014.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Kob:2014:Skript, Address = {Oldenburg, Germany}, Author = {Kob, M. and Waloschek, S. and Hyronimus, W. and Hahn, E. and Schettke, M. and Weber-Kr{\"u}ger, A.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of the 40th German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA 2014)}, Date-Added = {2017-08-02 16:08:58 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2017-08-02 16:08:58 +0000}, Month = {mar}, Title = {{Multimediales Skript zur Vermittlung ingenieurswissenschaftlicher Grundlagen}}, Year = {2014}}
Klangfarbe von Mikrofonen – Praktikumsversuch in der Tonmeisterausbildung
S. Waloschek and T. Grothe
in Proc. of the 40th German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA 2014), Oldenburg, Germany, 2014.
[BibTeX]@inproceedings{Waloschek:2014:Mikrofone, Address = {Oldenburg, Germany}, Author = {Waloschek, S. and Grothe, T.}, Booktitle = {Proc. of the 40th German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA 2014)}, Date-Modified = {2017-08-02 16:09:46 +0000}, Month = {mar}, Title = {{ Klangfarbe von Mikrofonen - Praktikumsversuch in der Tonmeisterausbildung}}, Year = {2014}}